A day in the life of a New York actor: trudging through Midtown after yet another director tells you, “We’ll be in touch” (only to never call or email). Or perhaps you find yourself breaking down your trusty tripod and ring light after your umpteenth self-tape sent into the ether. You’ve got the goods and you know you’re talented, so why do you feel like the one thing that gets you a gig is the one thing you haven’t mastered?
Auditions. The Achilles Heel of so many actors. The good news is that auditioning is a skill like anything else. And just as finance bros do interview prep for fancy schmancy corporate jobs, actors can (and should) learn the best practices for finding success at an audition.
Luckily, New York City is teeming with classes and workshops to transform you from #broke into #booked—and we’ve done the legwork for you. Read on to discover your ticket to audition mastery.
1) T. Schreiber Studio and Theatre
With a mission to support new voices, it comes as no surprise that the T. Schreiber Studio offers several audition classes. Each class focuses on a different type of audition, including one for how to successfully self-tape—where was that when we needed it in 2020??
They boast a schedule of classes for actors of all experience levels, so whether you’re a seasoned vet who wants some fine-tuning or a fresh face with nothing to lose and everything to learn, you’ll walk away with enough new tools to be considered a full-blown audition handyman.
Among script analysis classes, technique courses, conservatories, and specialty classes, at The Acting Studio you’ll find audition classes to help you book anything from Mamet to musical theatre.
You can perfect your newest audition monologue, learn the tech behind self-taping, take advantage of their self-tape services (no more finding out you weren’t centered in the frame only after doing a perfect take), or even prep for BFA/MFA program auditions. It’s a bonafide variety menu suited for any and all of your needs.
The community-driven environment at The Barrow Group might be just what you need to get comfy with that vulnerable place we all have to visit every time we open our mouths at an audition. Without the pressure from a high-stakes job opportunity, you’ll be able to focus on locking in the moments that make you stand out.
Not only do they offer several workshops for on-camera and commercial audition technique, you can also catch a glimpse of what it’s like to be on the other side of the table with an introduction to producing (just in case your dream is to “lunch at Sardy’s every day!”).
4) HB Studio
For an all-around audition prep workshop, HB Studio is your new best friend. Their audition technique workshop covers everything one could ever need to prepare for. (Think of your auditions as Armageddon and this workshop as the most thorough doomsday prepper of them all.)
Not only will you find monologue prep, but you’ll also cover how to audition with a reader or cold-copy, how to use sites like Actor’s Access, reviewing your resume (when was the last time you looked that over?), the differences between virtual Zoom prep and in-person prep, and more. One notebook won’t be enough to hold all the notes you’ll take, so you better make a Target run—you know you want to.
5) Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshop
If a double-whammy offering sounds promising, Anthony Meindl might be the game changer you’re looking for. Not only will you find audition classes to help you book your next job, you’ll also find refreshing acting classes that’ll introduce you to a potentially new way of approaching the art form.
Once you’ve completed your Foundations class, consider either their audition courses or masterclasses to get out of that audition rut and discover something fresh. Uniquely, you’ll get the chance to work on both theatrical and commercial sides. That’s an opportunity for you to flex all your muscles without even having to go to the gym!
It’s safe to say we all want to step up our self-tape game and, luckily, the Susan Batson Studio is the solution. They can certainly help you with a true self-tape audition class if you’re looking to sharpen your material and produce high-quality tapes.
But if you’re looking for a class with some more meat and potatoes, they also offer a combined scene study and self-tape class that combines the best of both worlds so you, too, can go from Miley Stewart to Hannah Montana.
Pave the way to success.
Balancing life as an actor and a financially independent human can be tough—especially if you’re trying to pay for audition classes along the way.
If you’re looking for a flexible, well-paying job to keep you afloat while you hone your craft, check out Worthwhile Event Services today.
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